Code 300 32 Sdr Downloads

One of the worlds most sophisticated data decoder analyzers is now available, CODE300-32 Version 3.0 continues our long experience with data decoders, the good old DOS decoder CODE3 was the beginning of it all, approx 15 years ago. The Extended version offers the same modes and tools as the standard version, plus two additional features: • you can start approx. 20 modes twice, completely independent. I.e MIL188-110 can run on two different receivers/aerials on the same frequency, offering brute force diversity. Up to 8 different decoders can run on left or right input. • but that's not all: you can start this extended version twice (a second sound device is necessary, we suggest a sound device). In this way you have an • input decoder / analyzer available!
Following modes can be started twice in the EXTENDED VERSION: ARQE ARQ IRA ASCII Baudot CW * FLEX GMDSS HFDL Mil 188-110 serial M 188-110 39 tone Mil 188-141 ALE Pactor I Pactor II Packet POCSAG PSK31 Sitor STANAG 4285 STANAG 4529 Skyfax ** CODAN Chirp ** CODAN 9001 ** Pactor III ** Clover 2 ** Clover 2000 * Note: CW can opened twice also in the normal version. ** These modes are optional available. In this way your PC becomes a super decoder analyzer with up to 16 decoding modes running at the same time!
Production work is made easy and cheaper as never before! Automatic Audio recording with graphical squelch, automatic text search facilities, whatever a professional user is looking for, it is included here. Audio input by LAN for two channels, with a completely free choice of the sampling frequency allows full integration of this version into larger systems and direct connection to digital wideband receivers without the need of re-sampling.
All functions and tools are remote controllable by TCP/IP. The Analysis section is increased and allows re-mapping of nearly all code tables. Data output is possible in,,,. Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran Ganong Pdf.
• A with the most important technical details. • Real Multitasking, open as many decoding modules and tools as necessary at the same time. • No Hardware required! You only need the sound card of your pc, nothing more! •, use both channels of any existing sound device to enable completely independent decoding from 4 different audio sources. • Hard disk Recording, simultaneously with any decoding module. • Automatically Audio Recording with ' • Due to the software-only solution, any notebook without adaptor etc.
Becomes a super decoder analyzer. • Operating systems supported: WIN98�, WIN2000�, XP, NT4 • Code300-32 Extended currently runs under Windows 98 / 98 OSR2, Windows Me and Windows NT4, using at least a Pentium III 1 GHz processor or faster with at least 256 MB RAM. Under Windows 2000 Pentium III 1,5 GHz processor and 256 MB of RAM are recommended while under Windows XP Home and Windows XP Professional PC the minimum configuration recommended is a Pentium III/IV 2 GHz processor and 256 MB RAM. • Fully Remote controllable by TCPIP via Intra- and Inter Net.
Up to 256 decoders controllable from one place. • In some modes we can offer an additional output for bit streaming of 'intelligent' bits • is available in the following modes: - MIL188-110A Serial - MIL188-110 39tones - STANAG 4529 - STANAG 4285 • - STANAG 4481. • • Software release 1.8 and higher offers an automatic tuning facility. Simply press the button on the right part of the main form to auto-tune into any FSK or MFSK signal. • Completely new, easy to handle Graphical Users Interface (GUI) • the old DOS keyboard commands from the CODE30 and CODE300 decoders can be used with the new CODE300-32 software.
This allows experienced users to quickly navigate the program using the key-strokes they are already familiar with. • A lot of new, hot modes are available, most of them only available from HOKA: •, all modes, interleavers and speeds. •, all modes, interleavers and speeds •, all modes and user groups • • • • • • • • • • and all known derivates • • • for all modes and tools available (PDF File) • for a list with all all available modes in alphabetical order.
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• for Audio input capabilities • for all details about software release 2.xx • for all details about software release 3.xx • for more screen shots Data File name Size 3.71 MB Downloads 4 Language English License Commercial license Author Website File name: Size: 3.71 MB Please register or login to download files from this category.