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Quite simply, BlackBerrySmart Email Viewer changes the way you read your email. Once you start using it, you won't be able to stop! Some features of version 2.0. BBSmart HTML Email Viewer allows you to view HTML email on the BlackBerry. Now for the first time ever see images, graphic smileys and hyperlinks in your email!
Having a problem with long emails. Bottom of screen says 'retrieve more' but then get an error 'Sorry. Mroe could not be retrieved. Please check your connection status and try again alter' but there is no connection issue as the first part opens fine as do others and I can use other connected apps. I have seen this before, but only on 'older' emails. Well, not old per se, but more than a few days old. While testing SV, I would have to go back to try to find emails with graphic images in them to test with.