Crack For Autocad Architecture 2015 Youtube
Well, I tried to install AutoCAD on Windows 10 but I faced a problem that the A utoCAD can't detect the d ot net framework 4.5on my computer, and when I try to fix that and download it from Microsoft, it says that.NET Framework is already part of the system. So, if U face this, don't give up. Here is what U have to do to fix this, step-by-step. Free Download Driver Printer Cannon Ip2770. -------------------- Well, the solution is easy. We should change a key in regestry then AutoCAD will be able to check the.NET Framework, but the problem is that we don't have access to change that, so we have to do some clicks to get the ownership of that key.
From Autodesk: AutoCAD Architecture software, the AutoCAD for architects, enables instantaneous productivity and smooth collaboration within a software environment you already know. Purpose-built architectural design and drafting tools make for efficient, intuitive creation of construction documents.
Here are the details: #1 - Go to ' Regedit', and then go to ' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft NET Framework Setup NDP v4 Client'. Hi there, good day! Just a little question, how to change the value of.NET 4.6.00079 to.NET 4.5 when i have already the permissions like administrator to change this value. I have followed all the steps of the procedure you posted, but at the end, how it is supposed i must change this value. I try to do it in this way: then the next screen appear: and then i change the value to 4.5 as next: and then the next message appear: This message says that it is not possible to edit the version Well, i would like you help me with this little problem. I appreciate your help bye bye.