Model 98 Mauser Serial Numbers Manufacture Date

Mauser factory codes and Waffenamt's * ** *** **** ***** **** *** ** * In this section you can find various codes which you can find on Mausers receivers or other parts. Driver Sound Advan Vanbook P1n-46125. This library is so much complete as many information i collect. You find here numeric codes like (83), letter codes like (bnz) or Waffenamts like (WAa280). If you find your Mauser code here it's the first way to identify your Mauser factory or where it was tested. It should give you approximately year of production or other basic info. Most founded code is four digit serial number like (2938), sometimes with letters (2938S).
To quick find code you looking for just use search function using 'Ctrl+F' in your web browser. Some quantities of produced Mausers.
Jan 9, 2009 - KAR98 Mauser Markings/info needed Curios and Relics. I am seeking info on a recently aquired 1942 (I think) K98 Mauser rifle. It has several markings that I. Posts: 4,678. Depending upon it's serial number, your '42' code Mauser was made by Mauser AG, Oberndorf, Germany between 1938 & 1940. Dec 23, 2017 - Oberndorf Mauser 98 Commercial Sporting Carbine, Type M? Can anyone confirm what this rifle is, date of manufacture, possible value, and sources of information. What is a good website to use to help with identification of a model 98 German Mauser, such as the proof marks and serial number dating.