12 Strand Dna Activation

12 Strand Dna Activation12 Strand Dna Activation Symptoms

The Twelve-Strand Theta DNA Activation creates the connection between the human genetic coding and access to all knowledge through the Creator's Seven Planes of. DNA activation and 12 strand DNA reawakening can be accomplished in a number of ways. The qiuckest method is to use the Thetahealing technique but other ways certainly exist. It is the intention that. Russian DNA Discoveries Proof of 12-Strand DNA Activation Theory..The chances of naturally occurring 12 strand DNA is a blessed opportunity for a few.

What is 12 strand DNA activation? Activating the new DNA is a service to humanity for the inner awakening of each soul that lives on Earth. Most people know that DNA is a “mark of life”, which can be found in every cell of the human body. What most people don’t know is that for every double helix with 2 strands of DNA, there are 10 ethereal strands of DNA added, which are not active, but are in a latent state since the beginning of mankind. For humans, each activated strand leads to developing abilities at higher capacities. Scientists have proven that at the moment we only use 5% of our two-stranded DNA.

Thus, we live in a society where people are sick, unhappy, stressed out, create wars, have difficulty experiencing love and have broken the connection with the Universe. Most people have to meditate for a long time in order to have a mystique experience – this is how serious the rupture is at the moment. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Profit Maximization Pdf.