Artlantis Studio 64 Bits

Artlantis Studio Artlantis Studio is an application complete and powerful 3D rendering is designed especially for architects and designers who need to quickly create renderings of high-resolution panoramas and a leader Recon known in technology preview window, the software rendering Artlantis animations.A study used by architects, designers and urban design professionals in more than 80 devices countries.Artlantis study directly ArchiCAD, Revit, Vectorworks, SketchUp Pro, and Arc +. With the addition of import DWF, OBJ and FBX formats and plugins updated DXF, DWG and 3DS, Artlantis Studio seamlessly interacts with all the leading CAD software as well. Features: Real-time radiosity preview Viewpoints Inspectors Postcards Shaders Texture mapping 3D People Billboards Use reference file Main exchange file formats Heliodons Neon shaders HDRI background Projected view Insertion into the site Scenario iVisit 3D panorama iVisit 3D on the web or on the go Optional Maxwell render engine Optional Artlantis farm render 24 0.
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